What Does It Mean to Be a Gentleman in the Modern Age?

What Does It Mean to Be a Gentleman in the Modern Age?

There is such a thing as a modern gentleman. A new ideal for men to strive for, not just for the sake of charming ladies, but for our well-being, personal, professional, and relational success. Being a modern gentleman is a way of life that isn’t about self-gratification or getting anything from anyone. In many ways, it’s about being the best you can be.

Eyes on the Finish Line: Finding the Drive to Follow Through

Be in any business for any amount of time and you’ll inevitably start having doubts. Maybe it’s part of human nature. Maybe we’re just fickle. Maybe we’re scared. Maybe too much of a good thing naturally terrifies us because the law of averages means the other shoe will eventually drop and something, somewhere will go wrong.

Year End Round Up: 6 Real Estate Blogs We Loved in 2016

This is it! The end of another year. It’s been a wild ride in all aspects of life. But hey, there have been some pretty incredible things that came out of the real estate world this past year. It’s been an exciting time to be an investor! Not only has it incredible to be a part of our markets in Dallas, Memphis, and Houston, but we’ve enjoyed watching other things unfold and grow, too.

The 5 Absolute Best Pieces of Advice for New Real Estate Investors

No one gives new real estate investors enough credit. It’s a tough gig. There’s so much to do, so much to learn, and there’s so much information to digest that it’s really no wonder that anyone sticks with this crazy business. That’s why we’ve compiled five simple, universal pieces of advice for new real estate investors.