The Best No-Mess Nutritional Snacks to Eat at the Office

The Best No-Mess Nutritional Snacks to Eat at the Office

I don’t know about you, but there’s something about sitting at my desk all day that makes me so hungry. Kidding. I don’t sit all that much (I’m a busy guy!). But I definitely remember those days, and still have them from time to time, when the desk is just a necessity. And when you’re staring at a screen, sorting through a sea of emails, making dozens of calls, or writing your next best-seller...something about it really stirs up the appetite.

Debunking 6 Lies Ineffective Leaders Tell Themselves

Debunking 6 Lies Ineffective Leaders Tell Themselves

Are you an ineffective leader? It’s far from a comfortable question, but it’s necessary to ask of ourselves. We each have a need for routine critical self-examination. When we lack introspection, we often get stuck in our own patterns of thinking and acting without consideration. This means that we get trapped telling ourselves lies—and believing them—to the detriment of our careers and colleagues.

Are Recovery Runs Worth Doing? What Endurance Runners Need to Know

Are Recovery Runs Worth Doing? What Endurance Runners Need to Know

If you’re at all a serious runner, you may have caught wind of something called a “recovery run.” These runs have become popular in recent years, and there are a lot of claims and assumptions that fly around about what they’re actually supposed to be and do for us endurance runners. Many coaches will claim that they flush lactic acid build up from the legs by increasing blood flow, or that they promote tissue repair.

6 Behaviors Sabotaging Your Career Climb

6 Behaviors Sabotaging Your Career Climb

Are you sabotaging your career without realizing it? I think that in many ways, we don’t totally realize just how much our thoughts and unconscious behaviors really matter when it comes to our success. We often believe that success comes down to our actions—without considering just how much those actions are influenced by the thoughts and subtle behaviors that lead us there.

4 Signs You're Overtraining...and Risking Being Out of the Race

4 Signs You're Overtraining...and Risking Being Out of the Race

We live in a world of overachievers. We glorify pushing harder, being busier, and going as far and as long as it takes. While many of us find something admirable about this attitude and the people who live it out, it, unfortunately, tends to be a very unsustainable way to work and live. Whether you end up burning out at the office or in the hospital with stress-related chest pains, it’s not always good to go as hard as you can all the time.

To the Professional Who Feels Like They're Wasting Their Potential

To the Professional Who Feels Like They're Wasting Their Potential

Do you feel like you’re not reaching your potential?

Maybe you’re still trying. Maybe you gave up somewhere along the way.

Regardless of where you happen to be, realizing that you aren’t living up to the image of success that you had for yourself can be a tough pill to swallow. Professional success is a long, tough road that often comes with setbacks and heartbreak.

6 Secrets to Getting in the Door without Connections

6 Secrets to Getting in the Door without Connections

We hear all the time how important connections are to climbing the ladder in the professional world. It doesn’t really matter what industry you’re in, success, many times, comes down to who you know. But what if you don’t know anyone? Not all of us are blessed with a natural knack for communications, a job history that gave us a Rolodex full of contacts when we left, or just those someones who seem to always know someone when you need them.

7 Effective Exercises You Can Do in the Office

7 Effective Exercises You Can Do in the Office

In our hectic daily lives, it can be a challenge to find room to get active. Even though I’m an endurance runner and I make room for my exercise routine, I know that not everyone is ready or able to make that sort of commitment. If you want to start making moves towards a healthier you but you don’t feel you have the time in your schedule, one of the easiest ways to start incorporating physical activity into your life is to exercise in the office.

How to Successfully Step Into Uncharted Territory in Your Career

How to Successfully Step Into Uncharted Territory in Your Career

Change can be a scary thing. It’s also a necessary thing if we are to reach our full potential. Not only does change push us to reach new heights, it’s often the thing that makes us feel alive. It moves us out of the doldrums of our lives, shocking the system back to life with the thrill of the unknown. We don’t know what’s around the corner. We might feel a little anxious. We might be a little scared.