6 Rules for Keeping Your Diet on Track During the Holidays

Decadent pies, irresistible cookies, and mouth-watering sides are commonplace during the holidays. Temptation is everywhere, from grandma’s special recipes to a coworker’s baking experiments. If you try to stick to a healthy diet and fitness routine, the holidays can throw a serious wrench into your plans!

Never fear – I have six rules to help you stay on track and enjoy what the holiday season offers.

Follow These Rules NOT to Blow Your Diet During the Holidays

Rule #1 – Don’t try to “save room” for a big meal

All of us are familiar with this tactic. When we know a big, indulgent meal is coming, we try to “save room” and unleash our appetite all at once. This is a bad idea. No matter how hungry you are, your stomach only has so much room. Not only that, but if you let yourself get ravenous before a meal, you’re much more prone to overeating.

Keep yourself sated with typical, nutritious meals. This will keep your appetite in check, improving things like satiety and portion control when the moment of truth comes.

Rule #2 – Drink in moderation

Even if you enjoy being jolly, it’s always important to monitor your alcohol intake. Inebriation comes with its own problems, but I mainly want to talk about the hidden calories. Alcohol is high in sugars, and your caloric intake can skyrocket quickly. Be mindful even if your beverages aren’t boozy – hot cider and egg nog can also be full of sugars, fat, and calories. I’m not suggesting you avoid these entirely – just be mindful of how much you have!

Rule #3 – Choose wisely

There’s nothing quite like a family potluck. I think everyone has the impulse to “try a little bit of everything,” whether or not it’s something you genuinely enjoy. When piling up your plate, think about what you want to eat. Consider healthier side dishes to accompany your favorites. Listen to your body, too. Pay attention to hunger cues; don’t eat mindlessly or out of boredom. 

I also recommend you don’t just keep treats around on the countertop. It’s too easy to grab a cookie every time you go in and out of the kitchen. If you know something is a big temptation, limit your access to it. 

Rule #4 – Modify your recipes

There’s no shame in modifying your holiday standbys to fit your diet better. Here’s an example: you’re making a sweet potato casserole. Opt for cinnamon and salt-roasted nuts instead of marshmallows or a thick layer of candied pecans. Cut the sugar content in cakes and muffins. Trade sour cream for Greek yogurt. It’s not hard to make most recipes healthier! 

Rule #5 – Get back on the wagon

Unfortunately, many people fall off and stay off the wagon during this season. Because we’re faced with a constant barrage of treats and delicious food, it’s easier to give up and not think about it. If a healthy diet matters to you, you can’t fall into that same trap. You can absolutely treat yourself and indulge in the festivities. However, you can let one big meal ruin your week. Enjoy the meal. Eat what you want to eat. Just don’t use that one meal as an excuse to lose control. 

Make indulgence the exception, not the rule of the season!

Rule #6 – Stay active

I totally get the temptation to “hibernate” during the holidays. Friend, we’re not bears! One of the best things you can do is stay active. Even if you’re not maintaining as rigorous a schedule, make time to go on runs or walks, hit the gym, or stay active in other ways. This keeps your muscles and metabolism strong while burning extra calories.

If you stop exercising altogether, you’ll make it harder to start again in the new year.

Ultimately, I’m all for enjoying seasonal treats and feasts. Just don’t go overboard. Remember the nutrition principles you value. Apply them as far as you can, even when indulging. Mind portions. Stop when you’re full. Don’t eat just to eat. Stay active. Get enough sleep! (It helps your metabolism and appetite.)

What are your fitness and nutrition strategies during the holidays? Share your tips in the comments!