4 Financial Mistakes Average People Make That Real Estate Investors Avoid

4 Financial Mistakes Average People Make That Real Estate Investors Avoid

It’s not difficult to make a financial mistake. We’ve all made them at some point in our lives—whether our young, naive selves took out one too many credit cards or we got over our heads in a bad loan or investment, mistakes just happen. For the most part, these errors aren’t too devastating. We may be left paying for them for a few years as we pay our debts or wrestle with bad credit, but by and large, most financial pitfalls are temporary.

Should Real Estate Investors Explore the Airbnb Rental Strategy?

Should Real Estate Investors Explore the Airbnb Rental Strategy?

Airbnb is currently worth $31 billion. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, Airbnb is a fairly new service that allows just about anyone to rent out their properties to overnight guests for days at a time as an alternative to hotels, B&Bs, and other traditional accommodations. The appeal for consumers comes from a few different factors: there is often more privacy, a more authentic experience (these are usually people’s homes), and a better cost per day than a hotel, particularly in larger metropolitan areas.

4 Things Ruining Your Sleep & What You Can Do About It

4 Things Ruining Your Sleep & What You Can Do About It

A good night’s rest isn’t just crucial for athletes and the health-conscious. Sleep is one of the most valuable actions we take each and every night: giving our bodies time to rest, recharge, and repair. When we sleep well, we actively improve memory, mental health, our ability to heal, and even hormone regulation. It can help our hearts, minds, and moods.

Confidence VS Ego: Where Great Leaders Succeed and Others Fail

Confidence VS Ego: Where Great Leaders Succeed and Others Fail

Where does the line lie between confidence and ego? At first glance, they can share many of the same characteristics. When we dig a little deeper, however, we start to see that they are very different beasts. In our own professional and personal lives, we’ve no doubt seen how ego can be the destruction of careers and relationships. Where confidence builds us up and brings people together, ego pushes away and puts on a facade.

Is Passive Income in Real Estate Investment a Myth? (Here's How to Make It.)

Is Passive Income in Real Estate Investment a Myth? (Here's How to Make It.)

Passive income is the magic word for most people, especially when it comes to their investments. They want to find that special opportunity that requires little expertise and time and not a lot of stress and strain, but something that will bring in a steady and reliable check. They want that something that they can count on to help build up their retirement or finance another dream!

5 Ways to Set Up Better Boundaries to Improve Work Relationships

5 Ways to Set Up Better Boundaries to Improve Work Relationships

As a parent, I’m used to espousing the value of boundaries. If you’ve ever explained to a child why they can’t play in the street, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Boundaries keep us safe. They draw that line in the sand between safe and unsafe, good and bad, and acceptable and unacceptable. While it may not be that black and white all the time, there is value to be found in our adult lives—especially our professional lives—in understanding the role of good boundaries.

Challenging and Transforming 6 Negative Leadership Traits

Challenging and Transforming 6 Negative Leadership Traits

Negativity can take hold of any one of us if we let it. In leadership, there is a place for certain types of negativity. Negative feedback, for example, can be a necessary tool to help employees recognize their flaws and areas in which they need to grow. But for those of us in leadership, slipping into negative thinking or holding onto negative leadership traits can be detrimental to our role.

8 Underrated Life Skills to Cultivate in 2018

8 Underrated Life Skills to Cultivate in 2018

With a new year here, it’s natural to start thinking about self-improvement, new goals, and resolutions. While most people will turn their minds to physical improvement (myself included), it’s also infinitely valuable to think about the ways in which we can improve ourselves mentally. Whether the goal of our self-improvement is to grow into better men for the sake of our careers, the people we love, or just for our own peace of mind, there are some traits that often go overlooked in the quest for improvement.

How a Year-Round Holiday Spirit Can Transform Your Business

How a Year-Round Holiday Spirit Can Transform Your Business

The holidays are in full swing! There’s something about this season that’s absolutely magical. No matter what’s going on in the world, good, bad, or ugly, we can all stop and appreciate the brightness and joy of the holidays. There’s something about the season that brings out the very best in people. We grow more generous, more patient, and more kind-hearted. There’s something in us that just can’t help but be the very best versions of ourselves.