7 Powerful Nutritional Strategies to Get Kids to Eat Healthy Food

7 Powerful Nutritional Strategies to Get Kids to Eat Healthy Food

When it comes to health and nutrition, we have a hard enough times holding ourselves to a healthy diet. Helping our kids eat healthy foods is another challenge altogether. Family nutrition can feel like an uphill battle, but it doesn’t have to be a constant struggle. Even if your kids are picky eaters, struggling with allergies, or just plain refuse to eat their vegetables, there are ways that you can start teaching them healthy eating habits.

4 Extra Streams of Passive Income to Bring Into Your Life

4 Extra Streams of Passive Income to Bring Into Your Life

As busy professionals, it’s hard to find room for one more thing. We have a hard enough time squeezing in time to get our oil changed. When it comes to your financial future, though, nothing is more important. So many of us get stuck with this idea that the money we’re making at our day jobs is all we can really rely on. We have our income, a 401k or other retirement package, maybe some stocks and bonds, a savings account, and for too many Americans...that’s it! If that!

5 Lessons on Resilience and Thriving Under Pressure

5 Lessons on Resilience and Thriving Under Pressure

Stress is one of the worst things for our health. Most of us can attest to that without knowing any of the statistics. We’ve all felt the effects of stress in our lives. Some of the most intense stress comes from the professional world. Our careers can bring enormous pressure to succeed, impress, and perform. Regardless of how many times we go through it, the cycle always repeats.

5 Effective Ways to Assert Yourself at Work

5 Effective Ways to Assert Yourself at Work

While I have no problem being what some people call a “go-getter,” I understand that not everyone operates the same way. There can arise situations in the workplace where we just don’t feel comfortable speaking up—whether because our personality doesn’t mix well with that of our managers, bosses, and coworkers, because of the working environment, or because we’re just not naturally assertive.

Is Your Work Routine Worth Changing? 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

Is Your Work Routine Worth Changing? 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

When the doldrums of the daily grind set in, it can become one of two things: highly efficient or dangerously complacent. When it comes to your work routine, it’s easy to approach it with an “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mindset. I have to pose the question, though: is that helping you achieve your professional goals?

What to Ask Your Doctor Before You Begin Marathon Training

What to Ask Your Doctor Before You Begin Marathon Training

Just a few days ago, a report came out that MasterChef contestant Matt Campbell collapsed after completing the London Marathon. Shortly after, he was pronounced dead. While the entire running community is saddened by Campbell’s death—there’s a thought I think it brings up for all of us. Matt was no stranger to marathons. He was a runner.

Mind Over Mood: Do Feelings Impact Work Performance?

Mind Over Mood: Do Feelings Impact Work Performance?

We’ve all probably had it said to us at one time or another: Boy, you sure woke up on the wrong side of the bed! I think, for the most part, we’re fairly oblivious to our moods unless we’re taking it out on someone and they call us out on it. Sure, we know if we feel good and we definitely know if we’re in a bad mood. But rarely do we see how our moods affect the people around us or the things we do until our attention is specifically drawn to it.

The Key to Laser Focus and Productivity as an Entrepreneur

The Key to Laser Focus and Productivity as an Entrepreneur

When you’re the boss of your own schedule and the sole person in charge of your success, the pressure is on. While many of us dream of the freedom of being at the top, autotomy comes with its fair share of challenges. When you’re the one calling the shots and there’s no one setting your schedule, setting tasks before you, or telling you what needs to be done and when you need to do it, it can be all-too-easy to get derailed and unproductive.

5 Surefire Ways to Build Your Confidence in Real Estate Investment

5 Surefire Ways to Build Your Confidence in Real Estate Investment

When it comes to our money, many of us hesitate. It’s difficult to pull the trigger on big deals and jump in with both feet. We’d much rather dip in a toe first. We’re wary of the risk, afraid to take the leap. As real estate investors, we’re always acutely aware of the risk (as we should be), and that, in many ways, can prevent us from taking the chances we ought to.

4 Ways to Prove Your Professional Leadership Capabilities

4 Ways to Prove Your Professional Leadership Capabilities

At some time or another, we’ve all been in a position to prove ourselves. In the professional world, earning the opportunity to take on more responsibilities in the quest to climb the ladder, earn a promotion, and reach to the heights of your career is a lot easier said than done. Proving your leadership capabilities is, at times, a head-scratcher. You work hard, show up on time, and do everything that's expected of you. 

Family Leadership: Raising Kids to Succeed and Thrive

Family Leadership: Raising Kids to Succeed and Thrive

Raising a family is tough. Every parent knows it, and every stage of a child’s life brings with it its own unique joys and challenges. As parents, there’s a unique brand of leadership that falls to us. Family leadership is nuanced. There are many approaches and philosophies to follow when raising our children. Many times, it has to do with our own personal values and styles.

When Good Things Are Worth Quitting for the Sake of True Success

When Good Things Are Worth Quitting for the Sake of True Success

What do you need to quit in order to succeed?

When I think back on the obstacles I’ve faced in my life, there are times when I’ve been surprised at the answers. It hasn’t always been something bad standing between myself and the next level. There are times when we, as people looking to lead in business or entrepreneurship—whether we’re embarking on new jobs and careers or some other journey in life—just have to give up things in order to make space to excel.

6 Pieces of Nutrition Advice Totally Ruining Your Health

6 Pieces of Nutrition Advice Totally Ruining Your Health

In the Internet Age, there’s no shortage of bad, wrong, and just plain dangerous information out there for all to see. Unfortunately for us, that information just takes one click from grandma to share with the masses! When it comes to nutrition advice, it’s no less true. You would be astounded to know just how much bad advice is out there. You might be even more surprised to know how much bad advice we've fallen for over the years.