5 Unique Health & Nutrition Considerations for the Summer Season

5 Unique Health & Nutrition Considerations for the Summer Season

When we think about summer, we tend to think about lazy afternoons, grilling out, and beach trips with the family. If we happen to think about summer health concerns, we might think about drinking enough water and wearing sunscreen. What we might not realize is that this time of year comes with a whole host of unique health challenges and opportunities.

What's Behind the Psychology of Getting People to Do What You Want?

What's Behind the Psychology of Getting People to Do What You Want?

If you’ve ever been in any role of leadership, you know that getting people to play their part, volunteer, or just step up to help can sometimes be a challenge. As the leader, prompting the people around you to do what you want them to do can be an exercise in frustration. So how do you navigate the difficulties that come from asking for help without sabotaging yourself or your project? How do you get competent people to actually want to help you?

6 Questions That Put Big Decisions in Perspective When You're at a Crossroads

6 Questions That Put Big Decisions in Perspective When You're at a Crossroads

Crossroads in life are inevitable. Whether personal or professional, big decisions will be there at one time or another to cause sleepless nights, long discussions, and countless hours spent weighing pros and cons. Navigating these times can cause more than their fair share of stress and anxiety. After all, big decisions can bring massive and irreversible life changes.

Cross the Divide Between Wanting Wealth and Becoming Wealthy

Cross the Divide Between Wanting Wealth and Becoming Wealthy

There are two types of people when it comes to a wealth mindset.

There are people who want wealth and there are people who are willing to earn it.

I think for many people, wealth is this insurmountable concept. It’s this lofty goal. A Mount Everest. A Moby Dick. It’s something that we so badly want but we’re either so intimidated by the idea of even beginning or so discouraged by our own perceived inability that we never begin in the first place or we give up somewhere along the line.

3 Things Running a Marathon Teaches About Succeeding in Anything

3 Things Running a Marathon Teaches About Succeeding in Anything

Have you ever finished a task so overwhelming that, at the time, you couldn’t believe you’d done it? For so many people, the act of completing a race is a lot like that. Whether it’s your first 5k, a marathon, or an Iron Man Triathlon, there’s something almost surreal about the experience of pushing your body to its limits and actually finishing a race.

7 Powerful Nutritional Strategies to Get Kids to Eat Healthy Food

7 Powerful Nutritional Strategies to Get Kids to Eat Healthy Food

When it comes to health and nutrition, we have a hard enough times holding ourselves to a healthy diet. Helping our kids eat healthy foods is another challenge altogether. Family nutrition can feel like an uphill battle, but it doesn’t have to be a constant struggle. Even if your kids are picky eaters, struggling with allergies, or just plain refuse to eat their vegetables, there are ways that you can start teaching them healthy eating habits.

4 Extra Streams of Passive Income to Bring Into Your Life

4 Extra Streams of Passive Income to Bring Into Your Life

As busy professionals, it’s hard to find room for one more thing. We have a hard enough time squeezing in time to get our oil changed. When it comes to your financial future, though, nothing is more important. So many of us get stuck with this idea that the money we’re making at our day jobs is all we can really rely on. We have our income, a 401k or other retirement package, maybe some stocks and bonds, a savings account, and for too many Americans...that’s it! If that!